Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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Paul Nison, raw foods chef, educator and motivational speaker, has been featured on The Food Network and in several magazines and newspapers. He travels worldwide giving lectures and classes on raw food nutrition and preparation to show people how easy and fun the raw lifestyle can be.

Paul Nison was completely healed from inflammatory bowel disease through eating a raw food diet. He coaches those suffering from all diseases on how to get better. If you would like to enquire further about how he was cured and how you can improve your health, please read his book “Healing Inflammatory Bowel Disease”. The principles in this book will help everyone improve their health regardless of their condition.

Click here to get the book

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6 Responses to “Revvell Interviews Raw Foods Chef, Paul Nison”

  1. rick Says:

    I Don’t know about anyone else but your itunes feed hasn’t updated a show since Rocannon MacGregor for me.

  2. Revvell Says:

    Just checked the feed with Feedburner http://feeds.feedburner.com/RawkinRadio and all episodes are showing up. Did a cross check with iTunes all episodes but this one is showing in iTunes as of 11/14/08 9 a.m. PST. We have pinged iTunes several times and expect all episodes to be available in iTunes shortly.

  3. Revvell Says:

    Just clicked the refresh button in the lower right corner of iTunes and all episodes are now showing in my iTunes. Hope it works for everyone too.

  4. rick Says:

    All is good now :O)

  5. Revvell Says:

    Thanks for letting us know Rick.

  6. Tomlin Demetrius Campbell Says:

    Hi Revvell,

    I truly enjoyed the interview with Paul Nison. I especially like his talk about eating simple foods. He message on food is similar to Aris’ it seems. I love his talk about the Bible. He, as I am, am a disciple of Jesus Christ and it is good to hear him talk about the One who resonates who is the Master of my life. Thank you Revell for his fascinating interview.