Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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"Kill your television and make something, think something, BE something instead!"

After reading the words above, I KNEW I was going to like Tonya Kay. Her profile says: 25 year vegetarian, 15 year vegan, and 6 years raw… which makes her 46… or so I asked during our interview. She’s got an amazing sense of humor, an infectious laugh and a great love for life. In this interview we talk about how she chose life over depression, birth control, how she cares for elephants and many other things including her latest leading role.



One Response to “Revvell interviews athletic dancer, model, actress, Tonya Kay”

  1. Sunshine_b Says:

    This may be my favorite interview thus far Revvell! I LOVE Tonya and her amazing energy! My friend who thought I was nuts for going raw and then later went raw herself has a son with bipolar. I referred her to the YouTube videos of Tonya, and now I get to refer her here! Thank you so much for doing this AMAZING interview! 😀

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