Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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Archive for the 'sexy vegan' Category

Philip stopped by the studio on his way to a local meetup here in SoCal so I had the pleasure of his company for a short time. I found out more about who he is, what he’s looking to do with his new-found fame; any fears he may have, his marital status and how he makes his money! Yes, I do get down and personal. As the “biggest-loser”, he took it in great stride and with the utmost humour. It’s always a joy to be around Philip. Check out his site.



"Kill your television and make something, think something, BE something instead!"

After reading the words above, I KNEW I was going to like Tonya Kay. Her profile says: 25 year vegetarian, 15 year vegan, and 6 years raw… which makes her 46… or so I asked during our interview. She’s got an amazing sense of humor, an infectious laugh and a great love for life. In this interview we talk about how she chose life over depression, birth control, how she cares for elephants and many other things including her latest leading role.



Previously posted on another site, here it is again ~ in light of having just been to the Raw Spirit Festival.

Happy Oasis is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Raw Spirit Festival, a 501c3 non-profit corporation. When we did this interview, she was in Hawaii, enjoying the lovely weather. We chatted about the Raw Spirit Festival, her life and many other things. Please listen in; I know you’ll enjoy it.




Marcus Rothkranz

Visionary, artist, filmmaker, director, write, production designer and raw food advocate…. star of the Raw World Tour, Marcus Rothkranz. Another enjoyable interview. I knew nothing about Marcus except from his website. Found him to be very knowledgeable, grounded and inspirational. We talked about his childhood which, health-wise reflected my own. Having a weak immune system and various allergies to become healthier at 46 than he was in his teens and 20’s. So fun to see and hear more and more of these kinds of stories and seeing one of his talents spreading the word using his talents and sharing his story and experiences with others.

Marcus’s sites:

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email: SpillYourBeans@RawkinRadio.com 

Raw veggie vegan diva Debbie Merrill takes over the show again with her high energy, rhyming, timing self! When Revvell gets to talk she asks Debbie about her t.v. show and, her new book "The Raw Truth to the Fountain of Youth". Debbie and Revvell also talk about portion control, eating for need, not for greed, affirmations, and the New You in the New Year. Listen in and pay attention! You’ll have to listen more than once to get all the gems this diamond lays outwww.SkateGreat.comwww.DebbieMerrillShow.com