Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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James learned about Natural Hygiene in his youth and became an ardent follower of Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, who defined and developed the science, laying down guidelines for food combining and fasting with an emphasis on raw, whole foods. James had his share of health challenges during childhood, including being born crippled and undergoing successful but invasive surgeries. He also had asthma and suffered a collapsed lung. He has been exploring the relationship between diet and health ever since he responded favorably to the whole foods vegan diet his doctor suggested for him when he was about 10 years old.

James was fortunate to be raised in the indigenous California lifestyle by his grandparents on the San Pasqual Indian reservation. They spoke the native Kumeyaay tongue & ate the traditional acorn mush, seeds, vegetables and fruit in season, and resisted the sugar, refined wheat and meat introduced by the invading cultures. Some of his other relatives, cousins, including an aunt, worked at Dr. Bernard Jensen’s health retreat in Escondido. Although Jensen was of interest to James he choose to follow a more complete natural hygiene program of Gerald Benesh, Herbert M. Shelton, et al. James prefers to call his understanding of natural hygiene, native hygiene instead, out of respect for the past.

James is licensed in conventional healthcare with a background in post grad music therapy @ Cal State Universities including Stanford University where he obtained a research grant and has worked as a medical technician for several decades. He reared four children, two home births he helped deliver & raised his children along the reservation on virgin terrain without municipal water or electricity as hygienically as possible.

This interview was done live, in the sunroom before a raw food potluck to which Jimi brough sapotes to everyone’s delight.


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