Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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 Rocannon MacGregor and Revvell Revati

As I say in my introduction, if it weren’t for this man, I’d not be doing what I’m doing today. There was a fair chance, I’d not even be alive today. I set up this interview to introduce you to someone who’s not very well-known yet should be. I was lucky to find him in 1986 at a health convention I’d been attending for about 9 years. He’d been there every time yet, as they say, "… when the student is ready…"

I wasn’t sure I was ready. There were times when I had to be pulled kicking and screaming into life yet, he persisted in seeing more in me than I saw in myself. He persisted in supporting me when others wouldn’t and I couldn’t. He gave me the foundation to find out who I was and to be me.

This is the first interview I’ll do with my teacher of 23 years, Rocannon MacGregor.

Enjoy! Revvell


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