Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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This interview went everywhere but where I expected it to. We talked about breastfeeding, outgassing from furniture, nutrients during pregnancy and for children, transitioning and more.

Shazzie was born in Yorkshire, England on 23rd of January 1969. At the age of 16 she became a vegetarian and was an ethical vegan 2 years later. At the age of 30, Shazzie became a raw foodist for health reasons. For almost four years she ate an exclusively raw vegan diet, then, during pregnancy, she ate some cooked food due to cravings and sickness. Now, she’s about 95% raw, and is happy there. Becoming a raw foodist was an intrinsic part of her journey towards mental, spiritual and physical freedom.

In 2004, Shazzie gave birth to her beautiful daughter Evie. She’s also a raw foodist, and is breastfed, unvaccinated, co-sleeps and is as natural as someone can be in the UK! She’s happy, intelligent and very healthy. Shazzie and Evie live together in Cambridge, UK.

Check out her website here.


Bodacious Living

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Brendan BrazierBrendan was introduced to me by Mark Perlmutter of Raw Summit fame, who I’d interviewed on this program awhile back. I gave him a call and he took time from his busy schedule to have a chat here.

Of course we talked about his diet before raw and how and when he chose to become raw.  We talked about how other athletes view him, staying raw while traveling, how he keeps weight on, how important is water; is he into "super foods", caffeine and colonics.

We spoke about his book, The Thrive Diet which is a good transition book for people who wish to go raw as it’s plant-based with raw options.



Bodacious Living

Sweeeeet T-Shirts, Mugs and Bags

In this in-studio interview, Revvell and Philip discuss how Philip eliminated 200 pounds in two years, on the living foods program. Revvell then asks Philip questions many people who are beginning want to know such as ~ did you go 100% immediately or transition? Did you consume nuts? Count calories? Exercise?

We also spoke about the after effects of eliminating so much weigh/fat in such a relatively short time such as loose skin. How does Philip travel and stay raw?

These and many other questions were answered in this enlightening interview with someone who did it and went all the way.




Hot T-shirts, bags, mugs and more!

My in-studio guest this week is Matt Monarch. Matt’s been doing a 6-month speaking tour and was back in the States so I thought I’d nab him while he was here locally.

We chatted about his journey, how heat affects him; how he stays raw while traveling. One question I asked was, how can it be that people who are getting more nutrients than ever in their lives with raw are experiencing hair loss, teeth issues, joint pain, etc.?

We also spoke about gas and bloating. I think his answer here may surprise you. 

Of course, we HAD to talk about colonics and his response when people say they aren’t natural. We discussed acidity and alkalinity, and, who the heck has time for all this juicing, smoothies, food prep, movement, etc.?

As you can tell, we’ve got a very full half-hour. Oh! In my first interview with Matt, a year ago, we spoke about his parents. In our chat today, we get an update on them as well.




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Karen Knowler What a lovely woman Karen is. She’s got a beautiful, musical laugh and you just want to hear more from her.

We chatted about her background and what she ate growing up (her father was a butcher!!!); how it is to travel as a raw food advocate; does she home-school her child and how she deals with food with him; mental/emotional detox; transitioning or not and her business as a raw coach. I know you’ll enjoy this interview.

 The Raw Food Coach



 In this episode of Rawkin Radio my guest is Rod Rotondi, founder of Leaf Cuisine located in Culver City and Sherman Oaks, Ca. 

We chatted about Rod’s upbringing and how he got to eating raw, how his parents feel about it and opening two restaurants and how his food is now into numerous health food stores. We spoke about what is different about his restaurants and catering. Check out: Leaf Cuisine to find out even more! 




Mark Perlmutter PhotoMark Perlmutter

I think it would be appropriate to call Mark Perlmutter the Chief Visionary Officer of raw videos and summits. I spoke with him before this interview and no one can do in one lifetime all he has planned ~ unless they live long and live healthy which is what he is assisting so many others to do through his work.

Mark is the creator of the Raw Summit, “Raw for Life ~ The Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Raw Food Lifestyle” and the current work in progress, “Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days”.

In our interview we discuss how Mark got to doing what he does; how he chose the participants for “Raw for Life” which covers a wide range of 30 experts; why, in his next dvd he chose to focus on diabetes and staying raw during travel. He also tells about what’s coming up in future Raw Summits.

Check out Mark’s website: Raw For Life



 Another fun interview with co-writers and co-producers, Jennifer Mattox and Doug Clemons from the film “All Jacked Up” about teens and the effects of junk food. 

During the film, while following four teens through part of their lives, their “curious interviewer,”  Bobby Rice, finds out more than expected… which leads us deeper into the understanding of these teens. Bobby interviews various people including Gabriel Cousens, Mike Adams, experts and chat with a teen vegetarian, vegan and, Sergei Boutenko, a raw foodist.

Jennifer Mattox is a 15-year veteran of journalism and communication arts. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from the University of Florida in 1989. She possesses a great depth of experience in numerous corporate environments, in creative production, marketing, and publicity, holding both management and executive roles.

Jennifer founded Faerie Films in 2004 as a vehicle to voice her social concerns and empower audiences in support of these causes.

Doug Clemons joined Faerie Films in 2005 to contribute to the company’s market strategy, funding, and distribution opportunities.

You can order “All Jacked Up”  here: All Jacked Up.


Ronnie and Minh are raw foodist husband and wife. Minh is a second generation raw & living food chef, she was born in Viet Nam in 1950 into a humble and loving Buddhist family, she is the youngest of eight children. At a very young age Minh began learning which plants were edible and which were not, how to find food and medicines in the jungle and how to use them. She spent her youth helping her mother grow, gather and prepare food for their family. They used simple and ancient techniques without electricity to prepare nourishing and great tasting food. In this way the art of preparing raw food was passed from generation to generation without even knowing what “raw food” was, to them it was just food. In 1963 one of Minhs’ brothers was kidnapped by the North Vietnamese Army, her mother was devastated and sought guidance through prayer and from Buddhist Monks. Minhs mother was already a vegetarian but she received a revelation that if she gave up cooking and ate only uncooked vegetarian food her son would return to her, she did so and a year and a half later her son retuned to her unharmed. Minhs mother continued to eat only raw food until she died in 2005 at the age of 93.

Ronnie is an Essene Philosopher who spends his time and energy promoting Raw & Living Foods
and the teachings of the Essenes. Contact Ronnie and/or Minh at info@ubraw.com


Marcus Rothkranz

Visionary, artist, filmmaker, director, write, production designer and raw food advocate…. star of the Raw World Tour, Marcus Rothkranz. Another enjoyable interview. I knew nothing about Marcus except from his website. Found him to be very knowledgeable, grounded and inspirational. We talked about his childhood which, health-wise reflected my own. Having a weak immune system and various allergies to become healthier at 46 than he was in his teens and 20’s. So fun to see and hear more and more of these kinds of stories and seeing one of his talents spreading the word using his talents and sharing his story and experiences with others.

Marcus’s sites:

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