Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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Archive for the 'Eating' Category

Hi there!

It’s been awhile since I’ve been here although I have sent folks to listen to many of the shows I’ve done here because the information is still good.

Yet, why did I quit doing Rawkin’ Radio?

Many of those I’d interviewed wanted to be re-interviewed regarding their food-style changes. They had gone from 100% raw (from what they said) ~ to paleo. Not to cooked vegetable, fruit, greens, etc. but to meat-eating.

What people choose to do is always up to them yet, that was not something I could support. Quite a few of these folk had healed themselves with raw vegan, coming from a carnivorous background so, I couldn’t see the point.

What I think is funny are the people who talk about eating grass fed beef, or whatever bacon and/or eggs (I’m not up on the vernacular) do make me laugh. So many of these people couldn’t afford organic fruit and vegetables, now they’re paying top price for “grass-fed butter”…. WTH?

I’m guessing many who label themselves “paleo” are rationalizing that they can’t afford grass-fed this or free-range that and are basically just ~ Atkinesers. (Yes, I made that up.)

Anyway, just wanted to post something here; it’s been awhile.

Rawkin Talk soon!


Sarma MelngailisIn this interview we talk about Sarma’s beginnings, how she got interested in raw; her background and education in the culinary arts. I asked Sarma what she would tell someone who wanted to open their own restaurant and if she’s planning on opening more. We chatted about her “One Lucky Duck” website and the currently high cost of organics.

I also asked about the use of maple syrup, wine and sake in some of their recipes and what alternatives might be for non-drinkers. (Of course, there are so many choices of things to drink, drink something else). This just reminded me how people get stuck on things like wanting to eat raw potatoes. There are so many other options, why get stuck on one thing?

So, enjoy the interview, purchase the book and support Rawkin Radio please.

Dr. Fred BisciI’ve been trying to get Fred to join me here on Rawkin’ Radio for quite some time. When I began, I was told he wasn’t doing interviews. Lucky for us, he’s back in the limelight. He also has a new book and dvd out. About Dr. Fred Bisci:

Dr. Fred Bisci has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Science. Fred, as he prefers to be called, has had a pioneering and active practice in New York City for over forty years. He has worked with over 35,000 people all over the world with numerous health issues by helping them change their eating and drinking lifestyles through his Real, Fresh Food approach. His outlook is unique. He looks at biochemical interrelationships, rather than a simple dietary or nutritional standpoint. This biochemical appreciation of how the multiple variables work in the human body are directly related to a lifestyle of what is left out and what is put in. Fred has developed the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL MENU which is the core feature for creating a Healthy Lifestyle Program. His program helps you name your current program and meets you “where you’re at”. Fred empowers you to set healthier personal parameters through eating and drinking various combinations of food as you commit to a Healthy Lifestyle Program. Fred’s main foundation built from his devotion to helping others, combined with his raw food lifestyle for over forty years, has revealed the intimate relationship of real food and the body’s God-given ability to always seek health. If you’re interested, you can try https://www.insidecbd.net/ for more information on enhancing your health.

Dr Fred Bisci’s Website

Paul NisonHAD to ask Paul about his wife Andrea’s pregnancy; home-birth, food program, exercise and more. Then we got to talking about his new book, “The Daylight Diet” which will be up on this site when it’s available on Amazon. We spoke about what prompted him to write it; how to deal with hunger at night; raw junk food; emotional eating, water, what kind?

You can find Paul at:
Paul Nison
Raw Life
Blog where he’s posting a new video every day.

Raw Chef Frank GiglioIn this interview we speak with Frank about his training, experience, how long he’s been “cheffing”; why and how he went from the usual culinary path to vegetarian and raw. We chatted about his running experience, cross-training, diet and more. Also, his new book is out, “Raw for All” which you can purchase on his website.
Frank’s Blog

See Frank (and myself) at Raw Spirit Festival in Santa Barbara the first weekend of June.

Enjoy this episode of, Rawkin’ Radio!


Raw Food, Real World An interesting interview with Matthew Kenney who is a magnificent chef. He’s traditionally trained so I asked how he got from being a traditional chef to becoming a raw chef. I had to ask how chef’s figure out what ingredients go together, what’s the best temperature to dehydrate foods; what’s the difference between coconuts and the ways to use them; what projects he’s got going on and we talked about his books.
Matthew is the author of raw food books, Raw Food, Real World; Everyday Raw and the soon-to-be released Entertaining in the raw as well as the upcoming Everyday Raw Desserts.


Eliminates 217 Pounds in 11 Months Before getting sick, Clent Manich weighed as much as 450 pounds and was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. During our interview we talk with him about how it was being that large and what it took to eliminate 217 pounds in less than a year. What were his fears? What had he tried before? Why raw? How much exercise did he do? Most importantly, how is this dramatic weight release affecting him mentally and emotionally.

If you enjoy our interview, I invite you to join my new program, Let’s Talk Raw where you can listen live and ask your questions. Clent will be on Let’s Talk Raw in May yet between now and then is an amazing line-up of people who’ve overcome disease and obesity whom you may want to know.



Dr. Douglas GrahamI asked Dr. Graham to join me here again because there was a recent issue about cacao and the 80/10/10 diet was brought into the discussion. Besides responding to the statements made we also spoke about eating raw (specifically the 80/10/10) in colder areas, anti-nutrients, eating the same thing daily, does cacao REALLY “cure cavities’?, water, children and raw and their teeth, nutrition and lifestyle; emotional eating and more.

This is a special hour-long edition.

Please join Dr. Graham and I on my newest program, Let’s Talk Raw where you, as the listener, can ask YOUR questions about health, the 80/10/10 diet and more.

Enjoy and Injoy,


images2 Many have told me I should interview Bruce Horowitz and I found him as a “friend” on FaceBook and asked if he’d be willing. He was so, we spoke about how he began with raw having Crohn’s disease; the importance of community; whether he eats at set times or “grazes” throughout the day. We also spoke about permaculture and growing one’s own food. We spoke about certain issues such as cabbage moths and slugs (duck deficiency) and the complex systems of nature. My final questions to him were about the raw food movement, crisis and sustainability.

You can find Bruce at his websites: The Sun Kitchen and Raw Permaculture.

Storm Talifero is a 30 year plus raw foodist. His pictures tell his story. His life unfolds during this interview from having a heart attack at the age of 18 to evolving into the raw food vegan he is today. He speaks about assisting his wife Jinjee in home-birthing their four children and what his role is in raising them. Storm has been eating a raw-vegan diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds in their natural unheated state for over 30 years and has become known amongst raw-vegans for his body builder’s physique. At 57 he appears decades younger.