Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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Archive for the '100% raw' Category

Jackie Graff, RN, BSN – Living Foods Chef
Jackie Graff
A graduate of the University of South Carolina with a B.S. degree in Nursing, Jackie has 30 years of experience in various areas of patient care and education. She is a Gourmet Living Foods Chef, Educator, Health Consultant, and a 100% live foodist. As a nurse, Jackie has worked for 33 years with patients with all diseases and conditions, and could not heal them or herself… she could only relieve their pain, and give them some measures of comfort, and in crisis situations, assist in saving their lives.

Gideon Graff

Gideon Graff

Born in Israel, Gideon is a graduate of the Haifa Institute of Technology in Hospitality Management, with many years of experience managing resorts and luxury hotels, and is a 100% live foodist.

ElainaLoveThis interview took a surprising turn for me when I found out a few minutes before that Elaina’s son had been diagnosed with Leukemia. We spoke quite a bit about that and how she dealt with it and that her ex-husband is not raw and the choices made and still being made. Fascinating and open interview.


Kate "Magic" WoodSince she is a mom, I asked some of the following questions:
How did you get started with Raw?
Were you raw when you had your children?
How were the births?
You say “predominantly” Raw ~ what does that mean?
Let’s talk about cacao ~
Why do some people have issues with cacao?
I know you sell superfoods yet, What do you think of the divisiveness between those who tend to eat simply ~ just raw and those who are promoting super foods almost to the exclusivity of fresh picked?
How do you feel about the trend many formerly raw vegans are pursuing with eating raw animal products?

Kate is one of the leading raw food promoters in the UK She has sixteen years experience in raw eating and is raising a family of three boys on a predominantly raw diet. She is former editor of Get Fresh! the world’s most popular raw food magazine, and author of the bestseller Eat Smart Eat Raw. She also runs Raw Living, one of Europe’s leading suppliers of raw food, super foods and kitchen equipment.

Kate’s Site
Please support Rawkin’ Radio by purchasing books here. Thank you:

Sarma MelngailisIn this interview we talk about Sarma’s beginnings, how she got interested in raw; her background and education in the culinary arts. I asked Sarma what she would tell someone who wanted to open their own restaurant and if she’s planning on opening more. We chatted about her “One Lucky Duck” website and the currently high cost of organics.

I also asked about the use of maple syrup, wine and sake in some of their recipes and what alternatives might be for non-drinkers. (Of course, there are so many choices of things to drink, drink something else). This just reminded me how people get stuck on things like wanting to eat raw potatoes. There are so many other options, why get stuck on one thing?

So, enjoy the interview, purchase the book and support Rawkin Radio please.

Dr. Fred BisciI’ve been trying to get Fred to join me here on Rawkin’ Radio for quite some time. When I began, I was told he wasn’t doing interviews. Lucky for us, he’s back in the limelight. He also has a new book and dvd out. About Dr. Fred Bisci:

Dr. Fred Bisci has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Science. Fred, as he prefers to be called, has had a pioneering and active practice in New York City for over forty years. He has worked with over 35,000 people all over the world with numerous health issues by helping them change their eating and drinking lifestyles through his Real, Fresh Food approach. His outlook is unique. He looks at biochemical interrelationships, rather than a simple dietary or nutritional standpoint. This biochemical appreciation of how the multiple variables work in the human body are directly related to a lifestyle of what is left out and what is put in. Fred has developed the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL MENU which is the core feature for creating a Healthy Lifestyle Program. His program helps you name your current program and meets you “where you’re at”. Fred empowers you to set healthier personal parameters through eating and drinking various combinations of food as you commit to a Healthy Lifestyle Program. Fred’s main foundation built from his devotion to helping others, combined with his raw food lifestyle for over forty years, has revealed the intimate relationship of real food and the body’s God-given ability to always seek health. If you’re interested, you can try https://www.insidecbd.net/ for more information on enhancing your health.

Dr Fred Bisci’s Website

Paul NisonHAD to ask Paul about his wife Andrea’s pregnancy; home-birth, food program, exercise and more. Then we got to talking about his new book, “The Daylight Diet” which will be up on this site when it’s available on Amazon. We spoke about what prompted him to write it; how to deal with hunger at night; raw junk food; emotional eating, water, what kind?

You can find Paul at:
Paul Nison
Raw Life
Blog where he’s posting a new video every day.

This is another interview that was done before Rawkin Radio came into being, just under two years ago. My first interview with Matt Monarch.

Matt MonarchWhy would a young, single bachelor change to a raw food lifestyle? After five years of eating a 100% raw food diet, Matt was inspired to write a book called Raw Spirit. He wanted to share information that he thought needed to be out there, reflecting in particular on some of the physical challenges of going raw, along with the amazing shifts he experienced on the spiritual level with this lifestyle. Raw Spirit has become one of the best-selling raw books available: people appreciate Matt’s honest approach and his willingness to discuss aspects of being raw that often go unmentioned.

Anthony Anderson aka <a href=Raw Model Delightful interview running longer than usual. He (and I) had thoughts on permaculture and how the people of this nation need to transition to taking more responsibility for their food and their health; homeschooling; eating fats and what kind, training.. and more. We spoke about his food program; why and how he transitioned to raw; how to BE raw living in cold country, his blog/sites and where he’s going and what he’s doing. I really loved this line: “Nature’s a buffet”. Yes, it is. You’ll enjoy this.

Raw Chef Frank GiglioIn this interview we speak with Frank about his training, experience, how long he’s been “cheffing”; why and how he went from the usual culinary path to vegetarian and raw. We chatted about his running experience, cross-training, diet and more. Also, his new book is out, “Raw for All” which you can purchase on his website.
Frank’s Blog

See Frank (and myself) at Raw Spirit Festival in Santa Barbara the first weekend of June.

Enjoy this episode of, Rawkin’ Radio!


Raw Food, Real World An interesting interview with Matthew Kenney who is a magnificent chef. He’s traditionally trained so I asked how he got from being a traditional chef to becoming a raw chef. I had to ask how chef’s figure out what ingredients go together, what’s the best temperature to dehydrate foods; what’s the difference between coconuts and the ways to use them; what projects he’s got going on and we talked about his books.
Matthew is the author of raw food books, Raw Food, Real World; Everyday Raw and the soon-to-be released Entertaining in the raw as well as the upcoming Everyday Raw Desserts.
