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Archive for the 'supplements' Category
This interview went everywhere but where I expected it to. We talked about breastfeeding, outgassing from furniture, nutrients during pregnancy and for children, transitioning and more.
Shazzie was born in Yorkshire, England on 23rd of January 1969. At the age of 16 she became a vegetarian and was an ethical vegan 2 years later. At the age of 30, Shazzie became a raw foodist for health reasons. For almost four years she ate an exclusively raw vegan diet, then, during pregnancy, she ate some cooked food due to cravings and sickness. Now, she’s about 95% raw, and is happy there. Becoming a raw foodist was an intrinsic part of her journey towards mental, spiritual and physical freedom.
In 2004, Shazzie gave birth to her beautiful daughter Evie. She’s also a raw foodist, and is breastfed, unvaccinated, co-sleeps and is as natural as someone can be in the UK! She’s happy, intelligent and very healthy. Shazzie and Evie live together in Cambridge, UK.
Check out her website here.
Visionary, artist, filmmaker, director, write, production designer and raw food advocate…. star of the Raw World Tour, Marcus Rothkranz. Another enjoyable interview. I knew nothing about Marcus except from his website. Found him to be very knowledgeable, grounded and inspirational. We talked about his childhood which, health-wise reflected my own. Having a weak immune system and various allergies to become healthier at 46 than he was in his teens and 20’s. So fun to see and hear more and more of these kinds of stories and seeing one of his talents spreading the word using his talents and sharing his story and experiences with others.
Marcus’s sites:
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Before and after….As Alissa has chosen to leave Rawkin’ Radio to pursue her dreams, I’m exploring ways to keep Rawkin’ Radio going. In this episode, I get the opportunity to interview Brenda Cobb, founder and director of The Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Brenda was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer and chose to go a different route than normally suggested by those practicing allopathic methods. In this interview we find out why and what the results are. We also talk about menstruation/menopause, water, supplements, detoxification and her 10-day program. We had such a good time, I’ve invited Brenda back in November for another go-round. BTW, please check out her site: www.livingfoodsinstitute.com and/or contact Brenda about scholarship possibilities if looking to attend her 10-day program. Please tell her you heard it here.