Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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Archive for the 'Simply Raw' Category

Previously posted on another site, here it is again ~ in light of having just been to the Raw Spirit Festival.

Happy Oasis is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Raw Spirit Festival, a 501c3 non-profit corporation. When we did this interview, she was in Hawaii, enjoying the lovely weather. We chatted about the Raw Spirit Festival, her life and many other things. Please listen in; I know you’ll enjoy it.




 In this episode of Rawkin Radio my guest is Rod Rotondi, founder of Leaf Cuisine located in Culver City and Sherman Oaks, Ca. 

We chatted about Rod’s upbringing and how he got to eating raw, how his parents feel about it and opening two restaurants and how his food is now into numerous health food stores. We spoke about what is different about his restaurants and catering. Check out: Leaf Cuisine to find out even more! 




Mark Perlmutter PhotoMark Perlmutter

I think it would be appropriate to call Mark Perlmutter the Chief Visionary Officer of raw videos and summits. I spoke with him before this interview and no one can do in one lifetime all he has planned ~ unless they live long and live healthy which is what he is assisting so many others to do through his work.

Mark is the creator of the Raw Summit, “Raw for Life ~ The Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Raw Food Lifestyle” and the current work in progress, “Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days”.

In our interview we discuss how Mark got to doing what he does; how he chose the participants for “Raw for Life” which covers a wide range of 30 experts; why, in his next dvd he chose to focus on diabetes and staying raw during travel. He also tells about what’s coming up in future Raw Summits.

Check out Mark’s website: Raw For Life
