Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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I always enjoy chatting with Victoria Boutenko. This time I managed to catch her in her booth at Raw Spirit Festival without a crowd around her. We spoke about her latest research and what she’s doing now. Changes she’s making; thoughts, ideas and experiences she’s confirmed, tweaked or softened. At one point, I had to ask the question that she said people talk more about than all the research she has done. Listen in to find out what that question is, and the answer to it.



For awesome t’shirts, sweatshirts, bags and more!

This special will run out the end of October, ’08. Get it now!!

"Kill your television and make something, think something, BE something instead!"

After reading the words above, I KNEW I was going to like Tonya Kay. Her profile says: 25 year vegetarian, 15 year vegan, and 6 years raw… which makes her 46… or so I asked during our interview. She’s got an amazing sense of humor, an infectious laugh and a great love for life. In this interview we talk about how she chose life over depression, birth control, how she cares for elephants and many other things including her latest leading role.



 Ruth Heidrich

“When I was 47 and working on my PhD, I was diagnosed with breast cancer,” said Heidrich in a recent interview with the Maui Weekly. Heidrich underwent surgery to have the malignant lump removed. Unfortunately, further testing showed that the cancer had already spread. “The doctors found hotspots in her bones and also a lesion in her lung. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. The decision to go vegan changed Heidrich’s life. She has authored the book and video, “A Race For Life’ and also wrote “The Race For Life Cookbook”, a guide to cooking delicious and healthy food for optimum health and nutrition. Revvell interviews this amazing woman.

Previously posted on another site, here it is again ~ in light of having just been to the Raw Spirit Festival.

Happy Oasis is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Raw Spirit Festival, a 501c3 non-profit corporation. When we did this interview, she was in Hawaii, enjoying the lovely weather. We chatted about the Raw Spirit Festival, her life and many other things. Please listen in; I know you’ll enjoy it.


