Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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Archive for July, 2008

This interview went everywhere but where I expected it to. We talked about breastfeeding, outgassing from furniture, nutrients during pregnancy and for children, transitioning and more.

Shazzie was born in Yorkshire, England on 23rd of January 1969. At the age of 16 she became a vegetarian and was an ethical vegan 2 years later. At the age of 30, Shazzie became a raw foodist for health reasons. For almost four years she ate an exclusively raw vegan diet, then, during pregnancy, she ate some cooked food due to cravings and sickness. Now, she’s about 95% raw, and is happy there. Becoming a raw foodist was an intrinsic part of her journey towards mental, spiritual and physical freedom.

In 2004, Shazzie gave birth to her beautiful daughter Evie. She’s also a raw foodist, and is breastfed, unvaccinated, co-sleeps and is as natural as someone can be in the UK! She’s happy, intelligent and very healthy. Shazzie and Evie live together in Cambridge, UK.

Check out her website here.


Bodacious Living

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Brendan BrazierBrendan was introduced to me by Mark Perlmutter of Raw Summit fame, who I’d interviewed on this program awhile back. I gave him a call and he took time from his busy schedule to have a chat here.

Of course we talked about his diet before raw and how and when he chose to become raw.  We talked about how other athletes view him, staying raw while traveling, how he keeps weight on, how important is water; is he into "super foods", caffeine and colonics.

We spoke about his book, The Thrive Diet which is a good transition book for people who wish to go raw as it’s plant-based with raw options.



Bodacious Living

Sweeeeet T-Shirts, Mugs and Bags

In this in-studio interview, Revvell and Philip discuss how Philip eliminated 200 pounds in two years, on the living foods program. Revvell then asks Philip questions many people who are beginning want to know such as ~ did you go 100% immediately or transition? Did you consume nuts? Count calories? Exercise?

We also spoke about the after effects of eliminating so much weigh/fat in such a relatively short time such as loose skin. How does Philip travel and stay raw?

These and many other questions were answered in this enlightening interview with someone who did it and went all the way.




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