Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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Brenda Cobb of the Living Foods Institute is back with another great interview. We talk about what she’s been doing, what she’s going to do; cancer, health, healing, how to get one’s weight up on raw food, and so much more! She even gives a few recipes which led to Revvell wondering how it is she doesn’t have Brenda’s books. Listen to the outcome of that question on this latest Rawkin Radio!!!

Before and after….As Alissa has chosen to leave Rawkin’ Radio to pursue her dreams, I’m exploring ways to keep Rawkin’ Radio going. In this episode, I get the opportunity to interview Brenda Cobb, founder and director of The Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Brenda was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer and chose to go a different route than normally suggested by those practicing allopathic methods. In this interview we find out why and what the results are. We also talk about menstruation/menopause, water, supplements, detoxification and her 10-day program. We had such a good time, I’ve invited Brenda back in November for another go-round. BTW, please check out her site: www.livingfoodsinstitute.com and/or contact Brenda about scholarship possibilities if looking to attend her 10-day program. Please tell her you heard it here.