Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews top name raw and living food advocates.


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RhioAbout Rhio

Rhio is a singer and author, as well as an investigative reporter in the area of health and environmental issues. Rhio is of Hungarian-Cuban descent, raised in the U.S., but completely fluent in Spanish. Her first book “Hooked on Raw” is about living a life more closely aligned with Nature by adopting a raw/live food lifestyle. The 358-page book also covers many of the reasons for making these healthy lifestyle changes, as well as more than 350 raw recipes in all categories. Some recipes are very simple to prepare and some are more gourmet.

CNN and American Journal aired stories on raw foods featuring Rhio. She is considered an expert in the area of raw and living foods and lectures on both the raw/live food lifestyle and the genetic engineering of seeds/plants.

As a singer, Rhio has appeared on numerous TV shows. Currently she is completing her third CD album entitled “Time to Start Believin’ Again”, which tackles environmental issues and includes some humorous raw food songs. For more information on Rhio’s music projects, visit: Rhio’s Music

Rhio hosts an internet radio show called Hooked on Raw on which she will be interviewing Revvell on May 14, ’09 at 1 p.m. Pacific time. If you’re wondering how to choose a Japanese knotweed specialist, this show might offer valuable insights.

Rhio’s Raw Energy website also provides extensive information on the raw/live food lifestyle, as well as organic agriculture, environmental, human rights, civil rights, globalization and economic justice issues.

On the horizon: Rhio’s video series on raw food preparation entitled “What’s Not Cookin’ in Rhio’s Kitchen” Volume 1 will be released in May 2009. Volumes 2 & 3 are set for release in Spring 2010.

Rhio and her partner Leigh, are also fledgling permaculture, biodynamic,
eco-farmers in Upstate New York with a focus on growing edible wild foods, heirloom vegetables, leafy greens and lettuces, fruit, berries and nuts.

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